Voyages: works by Elger Esser

17 June - 15 July 2023
Elger Esser's "Voyages" images offer a mesmerizing visual journey through landscapes that evoke a sense of timelessness and tranquility. Esser, known for his large and small scale, meticulously crafted photographs, captures scenes that transport viewers to distant places, both real and imagined. Through his mastery of composition and a meticulous approach to printing, Esser's "Voyage" series invites viewers to embark on a contemplative exploration of the natural world.
Esser's photographs often convey a meditative and reflective quality, inviting viewers to contemplate the beauty and transience of the natural world. Through his images, he encourages a slower pace of observation and an opportunity for introspection. This contemplative aspect of his work sets it apart and resonates with audiences seeking a respite from the fast-paced and digitally saturated world.